Tag: php tutorial
while loop php | php tutorial | learn php online
– While loop in php is used to execute a statement or set of statements while the condition evaluates to true. – while loop is…
loops in php | php tutorial | learn php
Sometimes, within our code, we need to execute a set of statements multiple times which may or may not be based on particular condition. So…
foreach loop in php | PHP Tutorial | learn php
– The foreach loop in php works only with Arrays or Objects – Foreach loop in php used to loop through various values within an…
If Statement | PHP Tutorial
Conditional statements in PHP, like any other programming language helps us to perform actions based on some type of conditions. These conditions can be logical…
Functions in PHP | PHP Tutorial Free
Functions in PHP or in any other programming language is a block of statements that are written to perform a specific task. – Functions once…
Superglobals in PHP | PHP Tutorial
Superglobals in PHP are some pre-defined variables. These are called “Superglobals” because these are available throughout the all scopes within a script. It means you…
Operators in PHP | PHP Tutorial | Learn PHP
Operators in PHP are some character(s) or symbols which are used to perform some tasks on provided values or variables. For example “4+2 = 6”,…
Constants in PHP | PHP Tutorial
Constants in PHP represents those values which can’t be changed after initialization within a script. Constants in PHP are case-sensitive, by default. Constant names must…
Arrays in PHP | PHP Tutorial | Using Arrays in PHP
Arrays in PHP or in many other languages are used to store multiple values in a single variables. Consider a situation where you want to…
Data Types in PHP | Learn PHP Data Types
Data types in PHP, like any other programming language reflects which type of data is stored in variable. Since, as discussed earlier, PHP is loosely…